Getting A Loan Is Easier With Gold Heart
Gold Heart understands the difficulties of applying for credit facilities, therefore we make it simple and streamline the process.
Accessing A Loan
Select your loan
Select the type of facility that serves your purpose.
Apply Online
To speed up the process apply online.
Negotiate on Rates
Agree on rates that suit both parties
Get your Loan
Loan is approved and paid.
Four simple steps to accessing a loan from selecting the right facility, applying online will contribute to the speed of processing your request.
Apply Online
Click on the link and visit the application page
Loan Types
Personal Loan
A personal loan to solve all your individual needs, extra money for bills, house rent, school fees, or home renovations.
Gold Heart Micro Credit can help you reach that goal.
Business Loan
Business Loans are designed for corporate and individual businesses that need financial support to grow their business or expand it. Gold Heart is your ideal partner.
Salary Loan
Are you a monthly salary earner? Gold Heart Micro Credit will cushion all your financial needs and support you to achieve all your financial goals,
Just call us
Group Loan
Group Loans
This is a loan for traders in the market who belongs to any of the market associations or has a group on their own, we support in expanding their business.
Emergency Loan
Worry no more about your emergency needs, Gold Heart Micro Credit gives you fast approval for your emergency loan within 24 hours.
Vehicle Maintenance Loan
Vehicle maintenance loan
This loan is designed for all commercial drivers and car owners who need to buy spare parts to maintain their vehicle, replace their car engine, or any other services
Hire Purchase Loan
Hire purchase loans
Port Clearing Loan
Port Clearing Loan
Stuck at the port for cash to clear your goods? Contact Gold Heart Micro Credit. We will assist you with all your clearing needs